Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Democralypse Now!

The internet and democracy. The two should seemingly go together well enough, but as can be seen in online forums and youtube comments, the internet does not always reflect rational thinking. Come with me as I travel down the "series of tubes" that is the internet, and attempt to excavate any semblance of democracy.

Anonymity is a plus when it comes to voting, and the internet lends itself to creating a veil of privacy. Many websites successfully implement voting or rating such as youtube and digg, and the anonymity lends itself to improving content. Politicaly, the internet is a powerful tool as it provides a great source for aquiring information and increases the possibility of making an informed decision. Surpisingly enough, microsoft argues this point in this article. Also, the internet is a great tool for politians to connect with their constituents and find out thier opinions on upcoming policies and decisions.

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