What Keen is saying is that there is no depth to anything on the internet, no real thought process involved. In his eyes everything is just a gimmick to draw attention for a brief second before something even more flashy catches it. He uses examples such as youtube and myspace to prove his point, and to some extent he is actually correct.
Another example of the same thing in a different medium is reality tv. Normal people have become the content and realistically there is no depth to it. It is hard to gain much from watching someone eat a bug or do something insanely idiotic for cash. Media is becoming shallower everywhere, but that dosent mean there isnt media with depth to be found in every medium.

The show "Wipe out is a perfect example"
The main argument against Keen is that there has always been fragmentation and individuality. I for one would never watch Wipe Out, but I'm sure someone must find it enertaining for it to still be on the air. On the internet there is indivduality to a greater extent but people still tend to cluster in groups around certain content. This leads to the creation of "the internet superstars", because, so far most people actually choose to be a spectator instead of a contributer. Also, just because someone contribues to the internet via a blog, does not mean that they cannot be a spectator on youtube or to someone's music.
Maybe we are becoming more fragmented because of the internet, but at no point will we become individual grains of sand. The same laws of gravity apply to society, in the sense that we will always cluster in groups. There is a depth to be found on the internet, you just have to dig for it.

Yup I agree man. But I would totally watch Wipe Out if I were bored though. Top notch entertainment. jk... haha